Uniwill OEM Service Application的一些说明
无意中在XMG官网上找到了Uniwill OEM Service Application(OemServiceWinApp.exe)的说明文档,应该是同方官方提供给XMG的。说明文档中将此工具称为"oemsevtool"。
This computer laptop has a few EEPROM memory addresses that are not overwritten by EC/BIOS update. Instead, they are updated by what we call the "oemsevtool". This tool is able to set certain bits and flags in the BIOS memory to specify certain features, like keyboard backlight and total system power budget. Each laptop model with each CPU and GPU SKU has a different oemsevtool. Please make sure to double check that you have the correct Product ID, CPU and GPU as specified in the filename of the tool. If you run the wrong oemsevtool for your system, you can easily revert by running the correct oemsevtool afterwards. Usually, oemsevtool only needs to be run once on each single machine. This is usually done during our system production. The bits and flags set by this tool are not overwritten by future BIOS updates. However, there have been single cases of units where single bits and flags had to be set again. This is why we keep the oemsevtool publicly available in case it is required for future troubleshooting.